Posts By: David Duran

Posted on August 30, 2017 by David Duran in Travel
We’ve all seen the television shows where people are forced to eat all sorts of crazy foods, insects, and things that make most of us a bit queasy. But most would be surprised to know that around the world, people happily eat all sorts of things that we just aren’t use to. If you think about it, the same could be said about what we eat. But still, it’s hard to fathom sometimes how anyone could eat something so different, so bizarre, so unknown. Below are 10 foods from around the word that will most likely make your stomach churn, or maybe make you hungry – no judgment either way.
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Posted on June 21, 2017 by David Duran in Travel
There are more than 700 stunning islands in the Caribbean, and during wintertime, it’s the go-to destination for those living in cold climate cities. The best time to visit the Caribbean is from December to April, although the islands are still welcoming year-round, but beware of hurricane season from August to October. Scattered across the Caribbean Sea, the islands are close enough to make it the world’s premier holiday spot for cruising, but still so different, that it’s sometimes hard to choose one over another. Here are a few pointers to help you choose between them.
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Posted on April 19, 2017 by David Duran in Travel
The U.S. might be one of the world’s largest economies, or have some of the world’s largest cities, or even be one of the world’s largest countries, but you probably didn’t know that it was also home to a lot of the world’s largest random things. That’s right, from the list below, please take the time to read about and enjoy these prestigious world titles currently held by the United States.
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Posted on April 05, 2017 by David Duran in Travel
Traveling the globe can be challenging…especially when it comes to language barriers. Thinking of heading to Australia? Sure, they speak English down there, but just like anywhere else, they also have slang words that often make no sense to those of us not from there. Here’s a quick Aussie language lesson to get you ready for a trip down under.
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Posted on March 15, 2017 by David Duran in Travel
We all want free stuff, and when traveling, and even the smallest of free victories is something to celebrate. Nowadays it’s easier to find discounts vs. free, but for those looking to save even extra pennies when on a trip, here are some tips to help you save up!
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Posted on February 15, 2017 by David Duran in Travel
With the introduction of the new iPhone recently, iPhotography has come to a whole new level, and non-professional photographers are using simple tricks to make their iPhone photos appear as if they were using professional equipment. As someone who is traveling more than 3 weeks per month, I try and avoid hauling around cameras and equipment with me and often get away with submitting iPhone photos for print, because in the daytime, they are often just as good…if done correctly. Here are some tips on how to better your iPhotography skills.
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Posted on February 01, 2017 by David Duran in Travel
Sometimes a good way to see a different part of the world is by volunteering, making your travel even that more rewarding. What most don’t know about volunteering abroad is that it comes with a price, an actual monetary price. The reason the programs come with costs is because at times, the work alone isn’t enough to sustain the program. Additionally, housing and food are often factored into the money that is charged for your volunteer work. Although it may seem a bit odd to have to pay to volunteer, it’s pretty standard practice nowadays. Before deciding on where to volunteer abroad, make sure to do your research. To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of 12 volunteer opportunities to check out.
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Posted on January 04, 2017 by David Duran in Travel
What happens when five well-known travel bloggers and writers give you the real scoop on their hometown? Well, keep reading to find out.
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