Posts By: Milou van Roon

Posted on November 13, 2015 by Milou van Roon in Travel
Saying Minneapolis is only known as the home of the biggest mall in the United States, the Mall of America, would be selling it short. Actually: the city is not just the capital of Minnesota (which is stuffed full with gorgeous lakes), the city also has a great arts scene. If you’ve never been to the Twin Cities, it’s time to change that!
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Posted on November 10, 2015 by Milou van Roon in Travel
Packing for a road trip can be quite the challenge. And if you’re traveling with kids it’s even more important to prepare. You don’t want to get stranded in the middle of nowhere without bandages, your kid’s favorite toy or a dead phone battery. But fear not! Below we have gathered the best packing hacks to make your next road trip a breeze.
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Posted on November 03, 2015 by Milou van Roon in Travel
Washington D.C.: the capital of the United States of America and a must visit for anyone from the U.S. Both the state of Maryland and the state of Virginia donated land to form the federal district and let’s just say the president has a hometown unlike any other in the country.
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Posted on October 29, 2015 by Milou van Roon in Travel
The experience of travel is priceless, but that doesn’t mean you should go broke while doing it. Wouldn’t you rather take an extra trip or have an extra fancy dinner, than spending it on silly things like luggage or credit card fees? Us too. Below we have gathered 11 ways to save money on a city trip, before, during and after your trip!
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Posted on October 23, 2015 by Milou van Roon in Travel
Fall is here, and with this colorful season comes the urge to explore new horizons, whether that be far away or closer to home. Which direction should your GPS lead you? Here you will find the 10 most beautiful places in the United States to visit this fall.
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Posted on October 14, 2015 by Milou van Roon in Travel
There is not a person in this world that hasn’t heard of Manhattan, the epicenter of New York City. And while Brooklyn is making a name for itself, tourists are still a little prone to not even consider staying in and spending time in Brooklyn when planning their New York City visit. And while locals know Brooklyn as undoubtedly being one of the most eclectic neighborhoods in the city, tourists have yet to catch on – which is both a good thing and a bad thing. Here are some great travel tips to help tourists understand a little more about Brooklyn and why is should be on everyone’s must travel to list.
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