10 Money Saving Tips for Visiting Venice, Italy
Posted on November 05, 2015 by Alex Smith & filed under Travel
Venice, Italy, the city of romance, canals and bankruptcy! If the extortionate cost of visiting Venice has been putting you off a trip to this magical city, these money saving tips are for you! It IS possible to visit Venice and not break the bank, and even better you won’t have to compromise on having the most amazing time. A few simple travel hacks and your pennies will go much further than you would think.
1. If you would love to experience a gondola ride but don’t want to shell out 80 euros for a half hour trip(!), there are three places where you can pay 2 euros to cross the Grand Canal in a gondola. Ok, so you may not get the singing or funny hats but the boats are the same and you’ll get to say that you rode a gondola on the Grand Canal in Venice! The most scenic crossing point is just north of St Mark’s Square.

2. If you’re in Venice for a long weekend, buy a 2 or 3 day water bus pass. At 7.50 euros for a single trip and 30 euros for 48 hours, you will soon be saving money if you invest in one of these. The pass will also save time and will keep you from exhausting yourself trying to walk absolutely everywhere! Plus, the ride down the Grand Canal is stunning!
3. Pizza slices will become your new best friend. Eating in Venice is expensive, like bankruptcy expensive. But dive down any side street and you’ll find hole in the wall restaurants serving delicious pizza slices for a couple of euros, perfect for lunch on the move.

4. Drink Espressos. Espresso is the go to coffee for Italians and this is reflected by a very reasonable price. Add some hot water or milk and you add at least 5 euros!

5. Walk. The center of Venice is not large. There is no need for water taxis and you could get away without buying a waterbus pass if you really wanted to. Walk the back streets, discover hidden campos and bars. Enjoy the atmosphere, soak it all up!
6. Join a free walking tour. There are lots available in the city. You’ll get to learn about the history, traditions and secret areas of the city all for the price of whatever you decide to tip your guide at the end of your walk.
7. Stay on the mainland or one of the less popular islands. It’s not far and you will halve the cost of your accommodation.
8. Spend your money away from St Mark’s Square. Prices drop within meters of the main tourist areas and thoroughfares. Head down a back alleyway and keep hold of those pennies.

9. Café/hole in the wall sandwiches are delicious, but don’t be put off buying a simple lunch or dinner from less smart looking cafés or kiosks. The ingredients are usually top notch in Italy and you can eat well for little money this way.
10. Visit in spring or autumn. Venice is a delight during shoulder season. Crowds thin drastically, the heat subsides and accommodation prices tumble. Avoid August at all cost!
About the Author: Hi everyone, I'm Alex, a 27 year old English girl who loves gin, giraffes, adventure and luxury in equal measures! Back from a few years living in Botswana I'm now based in London but travel all over the world as often as I possibly can. Follow along for a daily dose of adventure, beauty and wanderlust!