Posts Categorized: Travel

Posted on March 23, 2017 by Jessica Buck in Travel
Located right on the Mississippi River, the city of New Orleans is in the state of Louisiana, near the Gulf of Mexico. Famed for its vibrant nightlife and live jazz music, New Orleans is one of the most visited cities in the U.S., attracting around 9.7 million tourists each year. Fondly nicknamed as Nola, the city is big on culture, especially with its spicy cuisine which takes its influence from its French, African and American heritage. New Orleans is a wonderful place to visit at any time of the year, but arguably more so around Mardi Gras time, a late-winter carnival showcasing vibrant street parties, live music and colorful costumed parades.
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Posted on March 15, 2017 by David Duran in Travel
We all want free stuff, and when traveling, and even the smallest of free victories is something to celebrate. Nowadays it’s easier to find discounts vs. free, but for those looking to save even extra pennies when on a trip, here are some tips to help you save up!
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Posted on March 08, 2017 by Jessica Buck in Travel
Established in November 1926, running between Chicago, Illinois and Santa Monica, California, stretching for almost 4,000 km (almost 2,500 miles) and passing through no less than eight U.S. states, Route 66 is one of the most famous road trips in the world. Both tourists and U.S. nationals can be found taking on the route, many of them opting to do the entire drive, starting in Chicago and finish up in Santa Monica. A number of different methods of transportation have been used over the years to complete Route 66, from camper vans and coaches to sports cars and motorcycles, there’s no wrong way to explore this part of the U.S. If you’re going to do Route 66, you better do it properly. Here’s how to plan the perfect Route 66 road trip in 6 easy steps.
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Posted on March 01, 2017 by Cheryl Rodewig in Travel
You might think of Nashville as your go-to destination for up-and-coming country stars — and it is — but there’s so much more than music in this lively Southern city. While it’s great to visit any time of year, Tennessee’s capital has plenty to offer when the weather turns cold. Here’s why you should go now.
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Posted on February 24, 2017 by Breanna Wilson in Travel
Endless Vacation Rentals® offers condo-style accommodations PLUS 30%†* Off
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Posted on February 15, 2017 by David Duran in Travel
With the introduction of the new iPhone recently, iPhotography has come to a whole new level, and non-professional photographers are using simple tricks to make their iPhone photos appear as if they were using professional equipment. As someone who is traveling more than 3 weeks per month, I try and avoid hauling around cameras and equipment with me and often get away with submitting iPhone photos for print, because in the daytime, they are often just as good…if done correctly. Here are some tips on how to better your iPhotography skills.
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Posted on February 08, 2017 by Milou van Roon in Travel
If you’re stumped trying to decide your next destination, or simply overwhelmed due to the amount of options, we’re here to help. After some research we’ve found the best deals for traveling abroad right now. Because by saving money on your flight, you’ll have more money for hotels, excursions, meals and more so that you get the most out of your trip. Hey, maybe one of these destinations will be your next adventure! Let us know in the comments if you use any of these available flight deals!
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Posted on February 01, 2017 by David Duran in Travel
Sometimes a good way to see a different part of the world is by volunteering, making your travel even that more rewarding. What most don’t know about volunteering abroad is that it comes with a price, an actual monetary price. The reason the programs come with costs is because at times, the work alone isn’t enough to sustain the program. Additionally, housing and food are often factored into the money that is charged for your volunteer work. Although it may seem a bit odd to have to pay to volunteer, it’s pretty standard practice nowadays. Before deciding on where to volunteer abroad, make sure to do your research. To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of 12 volunteer opportunities to check out.
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